18 Kwiecień 2012
We are pleased to announce that effective 08 February 2012 our law firm became a member of The Roxin Alliance – International Association of White Colar Crime Lawyers. The Roxin Alliance is the first international non-profit association of lawyers that deals exclusively with the challenges of corporate crime from the cross-border perspective. It provides an exclusive forum in which its independent members work together to share experiences and seek solutions to challenges in the area of international defence and criminal compliance. Members of the Roxin Alliance (as a rule, one member per country) are highly specialized white collar crime law firms as well as leading defence lawyers of full service law firms from all over the world. For more information on The Roxin Alliance please visit www.roxin-alliance.com or contact us (n.garnczarek@lbalegal.pl, j.jobs@lbalegal.pl).LBA Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni
Cichulski Garnczarek Kurzyńska Piasecki
Spółka Partnerska
ul. Żurawia 45
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