LBA Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni

Przemysław Cichulski - partner
Natasza Garnczarek
Marcin Piasecki


Roxin Alliance Annual Meeting in Munich

18 Wrzesień 2012

On 17 – 18 September 2012 Roxin Alliance held its Annual Meeting in Munich, during which participants discussed various topics concerning white collar crime, compliance and international cooperation in criminal matters as well as issues regarding management and development of the Alliance. Mr. Jan Jobs represented law office Markiewicz & Partners (country member of the Alliance – Poland) at the Meeting, delivering a presentation on corporate cooperation in criminal investigation in Poland. The Meeting was attended by leading white collar crime lawyers and academics from various parts of the world, including, among others, Dr. Imre Roxin (Germany), Dr. Nicola Selvaggi (Italy), Jose Gonzales Franco (Spain), Alan Bacarese (UK), Zulfiquar Memon (India), Guillermo Jorge (Argentina), Theodoros Mantas (Greece), Rodolfo Félix Cárdenas (Mexico), Dr. Otto Dietrich (Austria), Teresa Serra (Portugal).

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LBA Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni
Cichulski Garnczarek Kurzyńska Piasecki
Spółka Partnerska


ul. Żurawia 45
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